Tell us, how would you describe yourself in a few sentences?

I am a very laid back individual. I work alot and love to nap and olay with my animals. I am needy and passionate but somehow standoffish when I meet new people.

What inspired you to get into tattoo modeling?
I wouldn’t say I am a model, but I have a body that is a personal canvas and if people enjoy taking photos of me and others enjoy looking at me that surely does give me some inspiration to keep posing.

What type of photo shoots you like doing the most?

Gothic, dark and mysterious.

What is the weirdest experience you’ve had either at a photoshoot, convention etc?

I dont really do any photoshoots so I havent had anything crazy happen. I am waiting though

Sex appeal is a big part of the industry, Brands look for you to attract the sexual or erotic interests of other people to help sales, build brand recognition etc. When do you feel sexiest?

When I hear the clickety clank of freshly done nails, a nice mini skirt or dress and my hair and makeup is done to a t. You cant stop me when I am feeling myself.

What do you like to do when you’re not modeling

I thoroughly enjoy working I love my job, and love playing and napping with my animals.

What’s your favorite tattoo and why?

I have blade from puppet master in my left thigh and the angry princess from 13 ghost on my inner right thigh and I cant chose between them but they are just executed so amazingly.

If you could get tattooed by anyone, who would it be and why?

Nikko hurtado. I absolutely love portrait work and to add one of his to my collection would be priceless.

Finish this sentence: If I could rule the world for a day I would…

Pair children in foster care with parents who are unable to conceive for themselves without the outrageous costs. Help women with infertility issues.

So we know models have a lot of “fans” and receive a lot of attention, both online and in-person, some wanted and some definitely not. What’s the worst pick-up line you’ve ever heard?

I rarely get hit on. I dont think anyone has ever tried to pick me up with a pickup line.

Top Three songs on your playlist?

Fuck your culture by suicide boys
Ariana grande needy
Cross my heart boundries

Tell us where to find you online and anything else you want us to know!
Ig – rissyisprissy
Everything can change in a year. Keep focused, keep pushing and keep reaching goals babes.

Photography by David Rose
Twisted Image Studios
HMUA : Jamie-lyn Partain

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