Tell us, how would you describe yourself in a few sentences?

I’m a tattoo artist out of Massachusetts who loves to paint and work in many other mediums of art. A mom who loves to spend time with my lil lady and travel as much as I can. I work like crazy and can’t just sit and do nothing. If I’m not tattooing or working on artwork I’m crocheting or making chainmaile.
I’m also a practicing Wiccan/Pagan who loves to spend extra time studying the craft or reading up on Norse mythology and the Gods. Horror addict, and collector of oddities. Often times cleaning animals on my own to use bones/skulls for collection or projects. I’m quite the fan of the dark and macabre. The bloodier the better…..which shows in a lot of my modeling I do for fun.

How long have you been doing this now?

I’ve been tattooing about 14 years. However I’ve been an artist as long as I can remember. I was always the kid constantly drawing. Often times on things I shouldn’t have been (walls, furniture, myself/friends haha) and getting reprimanded for it. I never lost my drive or love of it though. Just made me want it even more.

What inspired you to get into tattooing?

As a young child I always saw people with them and I was intrigued by it. By the permanent nature of it all and it’s inability to be taken from you. Not to mention the freedom to express yourself in a way that suited you best, regardless of society’s thought on what you should it shouldn’t do.
Plus it was incredible to think that one day….I could literally leave my mark on this world and client forever. It’s quite an incredible thing, matched with level of trust a client has with you. To not only mark them for rest of their life, but trust you with their health.

As an artist, its your work limited to the human form or do you also paint, draw, etc as another form of expression?

I work with many art forms. I love to paint or create pieces of art with copic/prismacolor markers or colored pencils. I also work with wood burning, chainmaile, crocheting, or working with bones etc I collect for artwork or jewelry.

What type of tattoo work do you like doing the most?

I love doing most styles but I’d have to say that a mix between illustrative and neo traditional is my favorite. Horror portraits or realism in general. Along with geometric designs, mandalas, stipple and organic designs are my favorite.

Tell us a little about your current style?

I like using black and grey or more earthy pallet. I’m not sure exactly what I’d call my current style but I guess it would be between illustrative and neo traditional.

Do you find your work attracts a specific type of clientele?

Sometime yes. Especially with my more pagan/witchier designs. I love doing things more based on earthy subject matter or of a darker nature.

What is the weirdest experience you’ve had either in your studio with a client, at a convention etc?

Oh boy lol. It’s hard to pin point just one. And I feel like if I mention some they could see it and think I was talking shit haha. I have tattooed 2 friends of mine on their asses one day. Each got the others face tattooed on their ass cheek. That was a rather comical night.

Other then that I’ve tattooed crabs on a girls vagina. As low as I was comfortable going anyways haha. Last time she was in studio she mentions she wanted to “go say hi to Brandie. Last time I saw her she gave me crabs”. I had to tell her I hoped she wasn’t going around town telling everyone that.

What do you like to do when you’re not tattooing?

I loved to workout but recently got grounded from such activity due to issues with my spine. So currently I swim, do yoga, and train in Muay Thai.
I also dabble in modeling and work mostly with my good friend Miss Mischief.
I love to hike in the nicer weather and be outdoors as much as possible. Even if that just means bringing a book or some side work out into forest or to beach to read or work on.

What’s your favorite tattoo, that you’ve done, and why?

It’s hard to pick just one. I have a few going that I love for different reasons. Be it the design itself, the color pallet or shading/stipple, or body part. I love doing large scale designs. I’m dying to tattoo an entire back, torso, or head with one of my designs I’ve drawn for fun.

I have a giant leg piece on a friend I’m dying to get back into. It has a woman’s face with a wolf. Mixed with some stipple work. It’s Norse themed. Will be dope once I have it finished.

If you could get tattooed by anyone, who would it be and why?

I’d live to get tattooed by Jesse Rix and James Tex one day. Their work is absolutely incredible.

Finish this sentence: If I could rule the world for a day I would…

Daym. That’s a loaded question.
Honestly I’m not sure. It wouldn’t be something just for myself. I’d want to make a change to benefit the world in some way. Be it working with cleaning up the destruction we’ve created/left on this plant or working with animals. Whatever I can do to leave this place better then it is now for future generations.
It’s so hard to pick just one thing.

Top Three songs on your playlist?

My musical taste is all over the place. Not sure what top three could be. If my music is left on shuffle it really could go between Fit for a king, Wu Tang, Blood for blood, Hopsin, Ice nine kills, Rob Zombie, Stevie Nicks, Faun, Eminem, Ed Sheeran, Phora, Carnifex, Kane brown, Nako bear, Ozzy etc.
Music really just depends on my mood for the day.

Tell us where to find you online and anything else you want us to know.

I have separate social media pages for my artwork, modeling, personal life and crocheting. Somehow it makes it easier to keep track despite having so many pages.
My art/tattoo work is

My modeling page is

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