Just because an artist is capable of creating gorgeous tattoos doesn’t mean all of their tattoos are perfect. Heck, let’s be honest here, a lot of tattoo artists have some really crappy tattoos. We asked our panel of artists about the worst tattoos that they have on their body and it very quickly became a Show and Tell session with nothing but cringeworthy tattoos. Enjoy their tales of woe then let us know all about your worst tattoo in the comments.
Hopefully #13 is lucky for us here at Inked. We’ve rounded up all of your favorite tattooers for our 13th season of Tattoo Artists React. This season we’ll be discussing all of the most important tattoo-related topics—rude things people have said about their tattoos, some advice for people getting their first tattoo, tattoos they regret and more. Plus, our panel judges the tattoos you sent in and they share all of their crazy client stories. It’s going to be a season filled with excitement, hilarity and even the occasional tear. New episodes will be posted every Friday.
#Tattoos #Inked #BadTattoos #WorstTattoos #TattooFailures #TattooFail #TribalTattoos
WEBSITE: http://www.inkedmag.com/
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/inkedmag
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This season’s stars:
Charles Arizmendy https://www.instagram.com/charles_arizmendy/
Chris Torres https://www.instagram.com/chris_torresny/
Courtney Raimondi https://www.instagram.com/bloodofwolves/
Danny Lepore https://www.instagram.com/dannylepore/
Erigels Vogli https://www.instagram.com/vogli__/
Fly https://www.instagram.com/flyazzwhtboi/
Jason Ackerman https://www.instagram.com/jasonackermanart/
Jon Mesa https://www.instagram.com/jonmesatattoos/
Jozzy Camacho https://www.instagram.com/jozzycamacho/
Kenny K Bar https://www.instagram.com/tattoosbykbar/
Kevin Boudreau https://www.instagram.com/kevinboudreau_/
Lisette Martinez https://www.instagram.com/eyekandi_ink/
Mada Fleming https://www.instagram.com/madadraws/
Maria Garza https://www.instagram.com/brightbones/
Megan Massacre https://www.instagram.com/megan_massacre/
Michela Bottin-Ackerman https://www.instagram.com/michelabottin.ackerman/
Nick Matic https://www.instagram.com/nickmatic_tattoos/
Paul Booth https://www.instagram.com/paulbooth/
Superman https://www.instagram.com/superman_tattoos/
Tom Kraky https://www.instagram.com/tomkraky/
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