Picture this: You’re on a date and things are going pretty well. You have chemistry, a lot of the same interests and even though you’re only half way through the meal you’ve begun planning how to get to work from their place the next morning. Then they start talking about their tattoos and you see it. The ’90s tribal peeking out from underneath a sleeve and it’s a complete dealbreaker. You pay the bill and walk home. We all think about how if we add just the right tattoos we’ll become the sexiest beast on Earth, but the opposite is true, there are some tattoos out there that will guarantee that you never get laid. We asked our artists what their absolute dealbreakers are.

Welcome to Season 17 of Tattoo Artists React!

We’re baaaaaack! We have a brand new cast and a whole new batch of questions for our panel of tattoo artists. This time around we’re going to be tackling all of the tough subjects—what should a tattooer never do, what kind of tattoo is a dealbreaker to spot on a first date and more. We even gave everybody a spelling test. Yeah, you heard me, a spelling test. Strap yourselves in, it’s going to be a wild season!

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Alexandra https://www.instagram.com/alexx.arte/
Angel Rose https://www.instagram.com/theangelrose/
Anthony Michaels https://www.instagram.com/antmikes/
Carly https://www.instagram.com/crlytattoos/
Creepy Jason https://www.instagram.com/creepy_jason/
Cypress Hayunga https://www.instagram.com/hayungatattoo/
Dan McWilliams https://www.instagram.com/danmcwilliamsart/
Galen Bryce https://www.instagram.com/galenbrycetattoo/
Halle https://www.instagram.com/paperrcutt/
Igor https://www.instagram.com/dead.tattooer/
Jake Karamol https://www.instagram.com/jakekaramol/
Jesse Missman https://www.instagram.com/jessem_tattoos/
Joey Rosado https://www.instagram.com/joeyrosadotattoos/
Kat https://www.instagram.com/woahkat/
Laura Marie https://www.instagram.com/tattoosbylauramarie/
Lina Hsiao https://www.instagram.com/linahsiaotattoo/
Lynn Hoang https://www.instagram.com/tattoosbylynn_sdt/
Maria Garza https://www.instagram.com/brightbones/
Monikka Velvet https://www.instagram.com/monikkavelvet/
Olga https://www.instagram.com/szablasta/
Penny https://www.instagram.com/pennyboy_tattooartist/
Reese Hilburn https://www.instagram.com/theartofreese/
Ruuben https://www.instagram.com/ruubenart/
Sydney Smith https://www.instagram.com/sydsmithhh/
Tyler Ciarlanti https://www.instagram.com/tylerctattoos/
Winnie https://www.instagram.com/winniethejroo/
YG https://www.instagram.com/ygtattoos/

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