
How long have you been working as an artist?

I have been working as a Tattoo artist for about 2 years full time over 3 year period.

What’s your favourite thing about being a tattoo artist?

My favourite thing about being a tattoo artist is the fact that we have the chance of to connect, relate and create common grounds with different personalities, this also allows for our creativity to put a smile on peoples faces through an art form that was once a taboo and underground industry.

What is your favourite tattoo style?

My preferred tattoo style would be black and grey realism with spot colouring.

What was your first tattoo?

My first ever tattoo was script on my good friend Filiva’as chest. It was supposed to spell out his parent’s names, but forgot to attach a rubber band resulting in the most dodgy lines, and sketchy spelling. “I do hope I was wearing gloves”. Lol……. Humble beginnings.

What are your hobbies/interests outside of work?

My hobbies and interests outside of work are cruising in my Jeep aka ‘The Beast’, and playing video games. I do enjoy the odd sleep here and there but driving fast, tuning and playing with cars? That’s my Buzzzzz.

Where did you grow up?

Born Otaki Wellington, and raised a West Aucklander in the beautiful ‘Land of Long White Cloud’ Aotearoa New Zealand.

When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

When I was a kid I had always wanted to be a wrestler. The best era of wrestling was the 90’s WWE and WCW superstars. Undertaker was my boooiii…. And I remember saying to myself, “If all else fails in life, I will be a pro wrestler”. Truuuue.

Who is your favourite tattoo artist?

My favorite tattoo artist/s id say would be Niki Norberg and my kiwi brothers Matt Jordan and the Ship Shape crew.

What are you most looking forward to during your time on Bondi Ink?

During my time at Bondi Ink I am looking forward to networking, and being an international renowned tattooist, whilst making a lot of money.

Where do you want to be in 5 years?

In 5 years I’d like to be retired. If not? Chilling on a beach somewhere preferably not local.

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